Only Slaggin’s Pigs in Blankets
Only Slaggin’s Pigs in Blankets
Preparation Time:10
Cooking Time:30
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  • 454 g Denny pork cocktail sausages
  • 2 packets Denny streaky bacon
  • sweet chilli sauce, BBQ sauce or cranberry sauce Optional


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180ºc
  2. Cut each rasher of bacon in half
  3. Wrap one half rasher of bacon around each cocktail sausage, making sure that the seal is underneath the bacon. Skewer with a cocktail stick if necessary.
  4. Place on a lightly greased oven tray and roast in a pre-heated oven, 200ºc for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the bacon is cooked and starting to crisp.
  5. Once cooked, to add a little extra flavour to your pigs in blankets try coating or brushing them with BBQ sauce, sweet chilli Sauce or spread some cranberry sauce over them before returning to the oven for a few minutes to allow for the sauce to lightly caramelize.