Coconut Almond Pancakes
Servings Prep Time
1person 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1person 5minutes
Cook Time
  • Almond Milk
  • 2 Free Range Eggs
  • 1tsp Coconut oil
  • 20g Desiccated coconut
  • 30g Ground Almonds
  • 1handful Mixed Berries
  • 1handful Mixed Nutschopped
  • 2tbsp Natural yoghurt
  1. Combine eggs, ground almonds, desiccated coconut into bowl and whisk together.
  2. Add in almond milk to desired consistency.
  3. Heat up oil in frying pan
  4. Pour in 1/2 pancake mixture and fry on a low/medium heat – flip and heat on the other side.
  5. To serve add yogurt, blueberries and flaked almonds